Hello to all my stampin friends! I hope this finds you doing well and starting the new year off feeling very blessed. I have been sick with diverticulitis for over three weeks, and had to have a CT scan of my stomach. The Lord has taken care of me and it is something that can be cured so I am off and running again. I encountered several wonderful new friends on my journey. First my friends Betty and Ann and sister Patty called and emailed me daily to check in and cheer me up! My friend Fannie from College Station emails me and reminds me that she prays for me often! My family has called me, text, and emailed me and came to see me and has really helped me to take my mind off the pain and fear that it was something worse. I had a large knot about the size of a pear in my colon and it would not go away and the pain was similar to labor pains! My dear sweet husband has been out of town for a few day with his basketball team! Yes they won! Yet, not having him to help me and keep me boosted up was very difficult as he is my mainstay! So, my new friend Alma got me into see her doctor as I have not found new doctors since we moved here. It was during the Holidays and doctors offices were closing and not taking new patients! My new doctor scheduled me for the Ct scan which is not a fun test but I was sure ready to find out what was going on and get better. My veins collapsed as I was dehydrated, and it took 4 sticks to get a vein to put in the contrast die! I am there alone and the most wonderful tech could tell I was upset, maybe cause of the tears that were rolling down my face, she put her arms around me and told me that she could tell I was a believer and that God was there with me and he would help and see me through this! I was sure remind of that fact that "HE" is always with us and all we have to do is look and and listen for him! The male tech came in and he was finally able to get a vein and he too was so kind and encouraging. They both worked to make me feel comfortable, and encouraged me that I would be fine. So, what is the morale of the story? You know how it smells when your in a hospital? There is that medicinal, and cleaning product smell? It seems to add to my level of anxiety. When those two people embraced me and reminded me of the blessings of my faith and to encourage me to remember that "The Lord is Always with me," that smell went away! I felt a fresh outside breath of air, and a power of relief come over me that seemed to lift me up off the scan machine! So, for this new year "BELIEVE"! I am home and feeling so much better, the new medications are working and I am on my way to a full recovery. This has reminded me how important that my family and friends are, and how I must embrace life and experience it to the fullest, and not waste any time!
Sorry you had to go through all of that. But I was so glad when you finally got a second opinion and a final diagnosis. Glad you're on the mend too! Lub Y and Happy New Year!!!